Contract services •Anti-corrosion surface coating systems •Auto-lubricant surface coating systems •Contract formulation development •Contract micronization services •Contract packaging •Contract packaging for card, sticker, gadget, editorial products, ecc. •Contract processing and packaging of food products •Contract processing and packaging of pharmachem or cosmetic products •Engineering companies •Hard matrix surface coasting systems •Infrastructure management and maintenance •Laboratories for analyses and certification •Logistics – stocking and distribution for third parties •Maintenance and repair •Marketing and communication •Mechanical design •Non-stick, easy to clean surface coating systems •Packaging design agencies •Packaging Research and Development •Photolitho •Production for third parties of systems/modules for automatic machines •R&D laboratories •Recovery of products from faulty packaging •Software design •Solutions and materials for the building industry
Consultancy and training institutions •Certification companies •Consultancy companies (financial and/or banking) •Consultancy companies (legislation and safety) •Consultancy companies (marketing) •Consultancy companies (study, training) •Consultancy companies (technologies) •Formation institutes and schools
Associations and shows •Associations and Consortiums •Editors, Trade Press •Public bodies •Trade fairs organizers