Vi ste ovdje: Početna » Chianchia, Walnut, hazelnut, almond, chestnut, Harvesting and processing of nuts » Cleaning hazelnuts and nuts from leafs, stones, dust, twigs

The machines are suitable for cleaning and separation of hazelnuts, walnuts and chestnuts quickly and accurately from the ground, dirt, rocks, leaves, pieces of wood, twigs and empty shells. It is recommended to clean the product after collecting a products with suction pipe of the machines.

Cleaner with a double blower (Pulitore S98/120 doppia ventola)

Pulitore S98-120 dvostruko ispuhivanje

The capacity per hour is about 600/800Kg and varies from product to collect. 
Power consumption and power with two motors 2.2kW 
Can be supplied in version 220/380 V 
Machine weight 320kg 
Height 2200mm width 1200mm Length 1500mm

Cleaner with a single blower (Pulitore S98/120 semplice ventola)

Pulitore S98-120 jednostruko ispuhivanje

The capacity per hour is about 400/600Kg and varies from product to collect. 
Power consumption and power with two motors 2.2kW 
Can be supplied in version 220/380 V 
Machine weight 320kg 
Height 2300mm width 1200mm Length 1500mm

Cleaner with a double aspiration (Pulitore S98/120 doppia aspirazione)

Pulitore S98-120 dvostruko usisavanje

The capacity per hour is about 1200Kg and varies from product to collect. 
Power consumption and power with two motors 3.2kW 
Can be supplied in version 380 V 
Machine weight 460kg 
Height 2700mm width 1200mm Length 1700mm

Industrial cleaner (Pulitore S98/200 industriale)

Pulitore S98-200 industrijski

The capacity per hour is about 2500Kg and varies from product to collect. It is possible with special adaptations of machine to increase it to 3500 kg/h – 4500 kg/h
Power consumption and power with two motors 5,5kW 
Can be supplied in version 380 V 
Machine weight 480kg 
Height 2700mm width 1200mm Length 1700mm

All machines can be supplied to the users with various options: 
Machine with bigger wheels 
Connecting three-point 
Parts for fork lift truck

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