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Plants are for small production agritourisms, farms and University and School Research Centres.

LAB 50

With LAB50 you can cook, concentrate and mixing, in under vacuum or in atmosphere conditions, blanching fruit and vegetables, dosing the product still warm, and pasteurize full and capped vessels.
The bench is composed of three section:
– a basin for the under vacuum cooking complete with an agitator, that offers significant advantages in terms of a little oxidation of the product and colour keeping;
– a section to dose the product coming from the first section;
– a pasteurizer tank which, as allowing the thermal treatment of the vessels, could be use to blench fruit and vegetables using a basket with special holes
A control panel allows you to set all the parameters and save recipes.
The bench is heated by electricity and it is placed on wheels. That permit to install the unit wherever you want, also in rural areas.
It is also possible to realize a fixed version of the machine, that in this case, it will be connected to an external steam plant.

kuhanje- punjenje- pasterizacija Lab50

kuhanje- punjenje- pasterizacija- Lab50


Multifunctional cooking unit mod. LAB30 with a total capacity of about 30 liters and a usefull capacity of 20 liters.
This machine is the ideal solution for the preparation of small quantity of jams, marmelade, tomato sauces, juices, preserved vegetables and a lot of other food product.
The unit is designed like a multifunctional bench and it is composed by a polyvalent unit where it is possible to cook/ concentrate (in atmospherical or in undervacuum conditions), and pasteurize or sterilize the packaged product.
The possibility to cook and concentrate in undervacuum conditions, like big plants, allows to obtain a high quality level product, manteining the vitamins content and brighter colors.
The cooking unit is equipped with a jacket in which is present a thermical fluid that is heated by means of electrical resistors.
Inside this unit it is possible to cook, fry slightly, and concentrate the product that is kept in costant movement by a stirrer that scrapes the wall to prevent the drops product burning.
At the end of this operation, the product is discharge by a manual valve and it could be dosed in the vessels by a dosing unit (not included in the bench).
The full vessels could be pasteurized or sterilized inside the same multi-functional unit, even at temperture higher than 100°C; after the thermal treatment the containers are quickly and savely cooled.
A little PLC, together with a series of sensors to control the pressure and the temperature, supervise all the operational phases and allows to programm in an automatic way the pasteurization/sterilization and the cooling cycle.

kuhanje i pasterizacija LAB30

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