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Dozator sa mixerom

Standard doser + hopper with mixer and heating system

Some uv gels or materials need to be heated to make them more liquid. We generally ask for samples of product and container to test the machine. The filling machine can be equipped with the heating system.

Description: 15liters or more stainless steel hopper with electrically warmed with diathermic oil and electric resistances.

It is furnished with an electric stirrer with shovels, composed of three-phase electric motor, to keep the product equally heated and mixed.

Electric box in stainless steel. The electric box is to operate resistances with the possibility to adjust the temperature in the hopper until 90°C, and operates the electric stirrer speed.

The heated hopper is interchangeable with the standard hopper and can be installed in second moment . It’s built on a separated frame in stainless steel as you can see in the following picture

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